Prestashop global smarty variables

Global smarty variables in Prestashop

Here is a list of Smarty variables.




{$come_from} URL for the visitor’s origin.
{$link->getPageLink(‘prices-drop’)} Specific page – Sales
{$link->getPageLink(‘contact’, true)} Contact form (true is for SSL support)
{$link->getCMSLink(‘2’)} Link to CMS page

 Other Variables

{$cart} Shopping cart contents.
{$cart_qties} Number of products in the cart.
{$cookie} User cookie.
{$currencies} The various available currencies.
{$currency} Currency object (currently used currency).
{$customerName} Customer name (if logged in).
{$id_currency_cookie} ID of the current currency.
{$languages} The various available languages.
{$logged} Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account.
{$page_name} Page name.
{$priceDisplay} Price display method (with or without taxes…).
{$roundMode} Rounding method in use.
{$shop_name} Shop name.
{$use_taxes} Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not.


{$base_dir} Root folder of your shop
{$base_dir_ssl} Root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol
{$content_dir} Root folder of your shop depending on the SSL settings
{$css_dir} URL for the theme’s CSS folder.
{$img_store_dir} URL for the stores images folder.
{$img_cat_dir} URL for the categories images folder.
{$img_dir} URL for the theme’s images folder.
{$img_lang_dir} URL for the languages images folder.
{$img_manu_dir} URL for the manufacturers images folder.
{$img_prod_dir} URL for the products images folder.
{$img_ps_dir} URL for the PrestaShop image folder.
{$img_ship_dir} URL for the carriers (shipping) images folder.
{$img_sup_dir} URL for the suppliers images folder.
{$js_dir} URL for the theme’s JavaScript folder.
{$lang_iso} ISO code for the current language.
{$modules_dir} URL the modules folder.
{$mail_dir} URL for the mail templates folder.
{$pic_dir} URL for the pictures upload folder.
{$tpl_dir} URL for the current theme’s folder.

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